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                                                                  SHORT AND SWEET


Diced fresh fruit topped with a dollop of soy yogurt.

A cup of fruit is so refreshing and the yogurt provides a delicious creamy coating.



Choose seasonal fruits ripe and sweet; strawberries, peaches, pineapples, mangos, and bananas

Cut them in one inch pieces.

Arrange them on a large tray so that they do not touch each other and place in the freezer.

After a few hours they will be frozen and you can pop them into plastic bags that you will keep in the freezer.

Whenever you desire a frosty blend of fruit:

Take out a cup or so of frozen fruit and put them in the blender.

Pour some cold unsweetened rice or almond milk to puree until your desired consistency.

Add a dash of salt, a few drops of vanilla, or cinnamon.

The sweetness of the fruit will probably be enough.

If you are daring, process with a few leaves of Swiss chard for more nutrition and an exotic color



Walnuts 1 cup

Pecans 1 cup

Dates 6 to 8 plump ones

Orange rind from one orange

Cocoa power 1 tablespoon

Shredded coconut to coat the balls

Grind the nuts until coarse, otherwise they turn into an oily paste

Add the dates, orange rind, and cocoa powder and process some more

Shape small balls about 3/4 inch in diameter

Roll them in the shredded coconut, will keep them from sticking to each other

Keep refrigerated for a week, for much longer in the freezer if tightly wrapped



Variedad de frutas picadas en trocitos pequeños con unas cucharadas de yogurt de soya.

Este aderezo cremoso festeja cualquier selección de frutas fresca.



Escoge frutas de la temporada en estado dulce y maduro:  fresas, duraznos, guineos

Córtalas en trozos de más o menos una pulgada.

En una charola grande que quepa en el congelador distribúyelos en una camada sin que se toquen.

Luego de varias horas los trocitos estarán congelados.  Guárdalos en una bolsita plástica y déjalos en el congelador.

Cuando desees un licuado:

Saca un par de tazas de fruta congelada y échalas en la licuadora.

Añade leche de arroz o de almendra sin endulzar suficiente para licuar y obtener el espesor deseado.

Echale una pizca de sal, unas gotitas de vainilla o de limón, o un poco de canela en polvo.

El dulce de la fruta probablemente será suficiente.

Si te atreves, licúa junto con unas hojas de acelga para mayor nutrición y un color exótico



Essays ... Ensayos

Nutritional Bites ... Bocados Nutritivos

Recipes ... Recetas

References ... Referencias

View From My Window...Desde Mi Ventana


RECIPES You will notice that the following recipes look more like guidelines, they are plant based, have almost no added oils, consist of a great variety of whole foods in a rainbow of colors, and are rich in vitamins, phytochemicals, antioxidants, protective nutrients, and fiber.  Experiment with them.  Focus on better nourishing yourself and your family.

Beans / Habichuelas


Four Savory Grains

Kale and other Leafy Greens

Oats / Avena

Pasteles y Tamales

Rices / Arroz

Salads / Ensaladas

Short and Sweet

Snacks for Children

Sprouts / Coles

Squash / Calabaza

Tofu Scrambler / Revoltillo de Tofú